Thank you. It is an honor to be here with you this afternoon. I would first like to thank Dr. Ma. Riza F. Dayrit – President of Intercity College of Science and Technology , for inviting me to join you.
Good education depends on good teachers and strong administration, and in this, the Intercity College of Science and Technology School is richly blessed to have leaders and educators who has spent much devotion in helping young, bright minds, like all of you being honored today, to learn and to harness your capacity for innovation.
Congratulations to today’s awardees, for your reflections today, as well as your record of academic achievement.
And, most importantly, congratulations to all of you graduates. This is your moment. You have each accomplished so much in order to get here, and you and your family should be proud.
Today represents hard work, excellence, striving, and accomplishment. You know the value of educational achievement and you have put tremendous time and effort into it. So it is a very special honor for me to share your graduation ceremony with you.
When I was growing up, the value of education was a constant theme in my home since I come from a family of educators. My father was filled with hopes and dreams for his children, that despite our economic condition he made sure all 6 of us his children gets a good education.
My parents taught me that we should expect more out of life, that we each had a great contribution to make, that we should work hard to fulfill our ambitions and that we should never take no as an answer.
And when I graduated from UP Diliman, they said, “Mabel, use this education to get a good job and to help people.” My parents knew that dreams come true through education. That is why I allotted much effort in promoting technical and vocational education, thus the creation of Mabel at your Service Livelihood Skills Training Program –to help others achieve their own dreams.
To all the other graduates here today: Your school has prepared each of you to succeed, to reach for your own ambitions and hopes for yourselves and your families’ futures. Some of you here plan to continue with your education, and I know that many of you have plans to begin working in the high-skill occupations that you have done so much to master.
You have done your part – you have worked hard, struggled, and succeeded. You have richly earned the diplomas being presented here tonight. So you know the meaning of work, and what it is to achieve. These are values that you will put to good use the rest of your lives, and they will serve you well.
You are all important part of this change. You have reached this milestone by staying true to the values of honest work. And you have been well-prepared for the challenges ahead by your time at Intercity College of Science and Technology.
Graduates, you today are the next chapter in this rich history. I encourage you to use your gifts well, and to give back to those around you whenever you can. Congratulations and well done!
Daghan Salamat!
Mabel Sunga Acosta