You’re totally a kid. A boy. A guy. Not the littel baby who used to bug us all night long.
I’ve been thinking so much about the impossibility of seeing into the future lately.
When I remember back to that night four years ago — after an impossible 44 hour labor (including the four hours of pushing) — I can’t believe we made it this far. I can remember stuff because I wrote a lot down and took even more pictures, but I have no idea what the future will bring. What you would be when you grow up or even the mere reaction when I first saw you...
It's like, reality starts to come down on me...I wonder when would you start typing and twittering? When will you insist on getting an iPod or a cell phone? When will you have your heart broken by a girl? Whew! it's scary!!!
I like to ask my parent friends what their toddlers “are into” because the answer is so different for everyone. Two years ago, I would have thought that every toddler boy loved trains and big vehicles. But I know some of them just love dogs or playing naptime.
At four, you’re still into Spiderman, action figures of all kinds, and even more drawing equipments.
You love to know the rules and make your own plan (like me). When daddy made you an obstacle course, you immediately told him he got it all wrong and made everyone do it your way. You still tend to throw a fit when we don’t do things exactly as you were expecting (So do I, sometimes).
You have a huge personality and a gift for talking to anyone. When you were only two, you knew all the names of the kids, parents, and nannies at your playground. I still don’t know all those people.
My son you're growing up very well. It scares me to think that I might not reach the expectations bot so far so good????
Mommy loves you very very much!!
Happy Birthday Son!
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